One thing you should always know as a car owner is that, with a good car you can drive past your mechanic’s shop without any need to stop by. But, how long you can go far without visiting your mechanic depends on the way you take care of your car. Now, taking care of a car goes beyond regular cleaning and oil change. It also includes good driving habits that are safer and healthier for your car. New or used, proper care will prevent frequent issues and problems related to cars.
Below are listed maintenance tips which can help car owners keep their vehicles running smoothly and perfectly in Nigeria.
- Take Care of the Papers
The one and first thing you need to know and maintain is your vehicle’s compatibility with the government law. Your driving license is one thing that you shouldn’t leave at home when you’re hitting the road. Also, your certificate of roadworthiness and proof of ownership are papers you shouldn’t neglect. Make sure you keep the paperwork updated and renewed as required. This will help you enjoy the ride without disturbance, and also be on the right side of the law.
- Learn the meaning of different warning light indicators
Generally, modern cars have high-rated sensors and warning systems that notify you that something is not right. Even with careful inspections and maintenance, it is not certain that you’ll be able to cover all of them. That is why, as part of basic car maintenance, you need to learn the meaning of the different warning light indicators that flash on your instrument panel, before you can be able to seek them out.
3. Regular Oil Change
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You should frequently check and maintain the level of oil inside the engine, by regular oil level check. Use the dipstick to find if the level is below the lower level. If the oil seems too sticky or sludgy, it is better to change it before getting behind the wheel. It should not really be black. Engine oil is usually amber in colour. Dark-coloured oil usually indicates the presence of contaminants, excessive heat, the addition of chemical additives or worse, sludge. Clean and proper oil gives your car better mileage and relieves the engine of extra burden and stress.
4. Monitor Tyre Pressure
Take a proper lookout on your tyres. If they seem too worn out, it is safer to replace the tyres before taking your car to the roads. In order to get better fuel economy and handling, keep a constant check on the tyre pressure and wheel alignment. Also, properly inflated tyres tend to keep a lot of troubles away from the engine of your car.
5. Battery Care
Always have it in mind that your car’s battery won’t last forever. However, proper care from day one can actually enhance its life and performance. Always keep the cables and terminals of your car’s battery clean. These are the things you can do yourself, by disconnecting the cables and cleaning them with a wire brush. If the dirt is too stubborn to scrub off with a brush, use a mixture of baking soda and water to help scrape it off.
6. Brake Maintenance
While brake dust doesn’t affect the full functioning of your brake system, they do make your wheels a little bit unpleasant to look at. One thing you need to understand is that brake dust is merely the accumulation of a variety of materials that come from the brake rotor and the brake pad itself as they come in contact when you apply the brakes.
7. Check Drive Belts
Note that your engine does not only produce power to your wheels so your vehicle will run, it also generates power so that other parts and accessories run as well. This is the function of drive belts. They transfer power from your cam or crankshaft to the car’s alternator, air conditioning compressor, power steering pump, air pump, water pump, and any other device that relies on mechanical power. It is important to check these belts from time to time to inspect for visible hairline cracks or any change in their integrity.
8. Drive Responsibly and Wisely
Remember not to get too excited or overwhelmed behind the wheel. Driving habits are one of the greatest contributors to your car’s life and performance. Make sure you don’t accelerate too much or allow the engine to rev up excessively between the initial gears. Avoid destructive habits such as too many short trips and idling the engine.