Earlier in the month, the popular skit maker and social media influencer, Kunle Adegoke, popularly known as Egungun had the opportunity to interview Blord, the renowned Cryptocurrency mogul in Nigeria.
During the interview, Blord while sharing the cost of his outfit, Blord revealed to the interviewer that he owns just three cars, which include a 2022 Mercedes G-Wagon worth N220 million, a Toyota Hilux and a 2022 Mercedes GLE 450 (his wife drives).
He also shared with Egungun that despite owning just three cars, he owns 15 properties in Lagos, which he leases out to businesses in Lagos, Nigeria. He noted that five of these properties are in Lekki Palm City, five others in Thomas Estate Lagos, with the remaining five are in other areas within Lagos City.
When asked about the properties he owns in his hometown of Anambra (where he resides), he noted that he only has three properties in Anambra. However, one of them, his permanent residence in Ngozika Estate, Awka, Anambra is the most expensive property he owns, which is worth N400 million today.
Blord has been notable over the years for his business strides in the Crypto industry. He’s the CEO of Blord Group which cuts across businesses across various sectors, and he’s noted that he recently launched into Tech, and owns four mobile applications—Bill Point, Jet Pay, Jet Send and Famous App, that he uses to facilitate the smooth flow of his Crypto business. He’s also known as the #1 Crypto vendor in Nigeria.
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I have just three cars, the most expensive is the G-Wagon G63 2022 worth N220 Million purchased from Lekki Luxury cars
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