The Tesla Model X has received a styling refresh both inside and out for 2021. Cleaner lines give the SUV a more modern appearance on the outside while the cabin benefits from a redesigned infotainment display and a new F1-style square steering wheel. The lineup now consists of the Long Range and the performance-oriented Plaid models. With the most power and quickest acceleration of any SUV, The Tesla Model X Plaid is the highest-performing SUV ever built. Both Long Range and Plaid powertrains, with updated battery architecture, can deliver instant torque at any speed.
Table of Contents
With the most storage space and a towing capacity of any electric SUV, and seating for up to seven adults, Tesla Model X delivers maximum utility. Front doors open and close automatically, Falcon Wing doors allow for easier loading and a standard trailer hitch lets you bring your gear anywhere you go.
Electric Powertrain
Long Range and Plaid platforms unite powertrain and battery technologies for unrivalled performance, range, and efficiency. New module and pack thermal architecture allows faster charging and gives you more power and endurance in all conditions.
Tesla Model X Interior
A stark and nearly buttonless interior design is classic Tesla. The Model X’s unique windshield/glass roof runs seamlessly from the base of the hood up over the front-seat passengers for a nearly uninterrupted view of what’s ahead and what’s above. Multi-device Bluetooth, wireless and USB-C charging for every passenger, with enough power to fast-charge your tablets and laptop.
Tesla Model X Safety
Model X is built from the ground up as an electric vehicle, with a high-strength architecture and floor-mounted battery pack for incredible occupant protection and low rollover risk. Every Model X includes Tesla’s latest active safety features, such as Automatic Emergency Braking, at no extra cost.
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Tesla Model X Price
The Plaid model with its three electric motors is sure to deliver brutal acceleration, but it’s mighty expensive. And its 340-mile estimated driving range isn’t as long as the less expensive Long Range model, The starting price for the Tesla Model X in Nigeria is as below
Trims | Price Nigeria | Price In dollar |
Tesla Model X Long Range | ₦43 million | $91,190 |
Tesla Model X Plaid | ₦57 million | $121,190 |
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